Here’s a little bit about me…
I'm a wife, mother, photographer, and bereaved mom. I owned a small business for 13 years that I passed along to one of my staff members, and I recently was trained as a Grief Recovery Specialist with The Grief Recovery Method. I have spent the better part of my career being a connector of people and helping them find connections within the local church and community. With my knowledge of events, I jumped into photography after a career change, with much of what I learned initially being self-taught. Soon after, I took private lessons from a friend in the technical parts of photography, and once I graduated, the camera rarely left my side.
My first DSLR was my son Evan's camera, a Nikon D90, which he barely used, and it allowed me to capture primarily landscapes. My favorite landmark to photograph is the carousel at the Nut Tree Plaza; on any given day, you can find me there. My photography journey began with an eye for the beauty right before me. I wanted to photograph everything, and I was fortunate to have many who allowed me to use them as models.
The growth of my business created an avenue for me to utilize my passion for being present with people and experiences while still learning new things. My son, Evan, wrote most of my initial website content since I was a newbie, and even the most straightforward tasks seemed overwhelming. I've learned a great deal since then, and so much has changed in my life since I began this journey.
In November 2016, my son, Evan, was in an auto accident that claimed his life. Then in February 2017, I lost my Dad to lung cancer. Loss has a way of shifting your perspective. Now, I yearn to see Jesus in the simple things and to feel His closeness as I observe nature and creation.
Over the last ten years, I've given countless hours to the community photographing many events. This, along with helping out local non-profits and my church with my photography skills, has tremendously contributed to my experience and portfolio. When you choose Dawn Kincade Photography, you choose someone with the heart to capture your special moment, style it, and create the best possible "pause" to your life events.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. -Leo Buscaglia