Walking in the Garden
I have been visiting my folks once a year since they moved to South Carolina almost 10 years ago. It has become more frequent in the last 4 years as their health has declined. I especially love to visit in the Spring as it is so beautiful. The flowers are blooming and everything looks green and lush. Although that is pretty much how it is in the Summer too, the only difference is you can't be outside for more them 10 minutes without melting from the humidity. Just this last week my kids came to visit for the first time in 5 years. It was great to have them visit and truly it is all that my parents have talked about since they left. We had a short visit and during that time they were here we went to The Daniel Stow Botanical Gardens in North Carolina. We lucked out cause it was opening weekend and the place was busy and I think they had a wedding happening as well. We pushed my folks around and they got to enjoy being outside when it wasn't too hot. If you are ever in the area stop by and walk the gardens....you won't be disappointed.