maternity photography

Cameron James Binion March 14, 2017

When Jennifer posted her 39 week photo the weekend before Cameron decided he was on his way, I sent her a message to keep me posted as to her progress after a stress test. When I didn't hear from her I knew she was in the middle of induction so I just waited...I touched base with her mom and finally Cameron was delivered on the 14th and I was able to go see them the next day to capture these Fresh 48's for them. Congratulations to Clell and Jennifer on the healthy deliver of this sweet boy. Oh my how I love newborns.  

Tristan William Lee.....the smallest gifts bring such great joy.

I've been fortunate to have several dear friends who have had babies in the last month. Oh my goodness how I love watching new families move through the welcoming of an infant into their lives. So many new things to see and figure out not the least of which is feeding schedules and sleeping...oh precious sleep. 

I had the pleasure to go over to Blake and Chelsea's home to photography Tristan. He was just as sweet as when I saw him briefly in the hospital. He was already forming his own personality and was being watched over by his precious parents and grandparents. I'm grateful to Blake and Chelsea for allowing me to come over and be a part of such a major life event for their family. I've known Blake and his family for most of the 25+ years that I've lived in Vacaville and the fact that Blake and Evan have been friend through most of that time made this time of connection very special to me. 

Here are just a few of my favorites from the hospital and my home visit at about 10 days old with little Tristan William Lee Pullin....born three weeks early on January 25th, weighing 5 lbs. 11 ozs. and 18.5 inches long. 

First of many family photos. Much love to all of you. 

Sugar and Spice....Welcome Olivia Canalita Lahl~January 26, 2017

I really can't tell you how exciting it is to see new parents as they navigate the first 48 hours after having a newborn. So many things to discover and cherish, hurdles to overcome and challenges to push through. Just about two weeks ago I posted a Milk Bath Maternity session with Lindsey...I've included it here in this blog post just in case you missed it. Lindsey and I did that session at the beginning of January and she wasn't due until February. So when she started having contraction last week it looked like Miss Olivia would be arriving in God's perfect timing and Lindsey, David and all of their extended family could not be more excited to welcome her.

These are just a few of the photos captured during their first 48 hours as a new family. Both of you have included me in all...if not most of your life events and I am so thankful for your love and friendship. Your love for each other is so evident and Olivia is one blessed little girl to have you both as parents. Lindsey you bring such tenderness and nurturing...David always the confident protector and encourager. Thank you for share and including me in such a special and intimate time with your new family. I'm already so impressed by who you both are as parents.

I know...she is so dang cute!!!

Lindsey Lahl~Milk Bath Maternity Session~January 2017

Every now and again I see something beautiful and I really want to try to recreate it. Most of the time that is easy cause I can find a landscape or a flower that I can photograph and off I go. It is so much harder when you have to find a model...a living breath person who is willing to allow you to have creative license with them on a shoot. I had been seeing all of these great photos on several websites for Milk Bath photography. Most of the time they are related to maternity or newborn sessions and I am so appreciative of the Milk Bath element for the delicate look and just the natural alluring aspect of this type of photo.

So after studying how I might be able to accomplish this style of photography and realizing I had the best location (our master bath has a great oval tub with a large window).  I then did some research on the elements of creating the Milk Bath....powdered milk vs. real milk, fake flowers vs. real, hot water vs. cold and every variation of this.... I was so fortunate to have a friend who is due to have her baby in just a couple weeks give me the opportunity to try out this type of photography. So on the first of January with all of the items needed and with her mom as my assistant we ventured into creating this lovely Milk Bath Maternity Session. Thank you for making the beginning of 2017 start off with so much grace and beauty. 

I want to thank the ladies at Stem's Florist for helping me choose the right flowers and greenery for these photos. I used powdered milk, cornstarch, and lavender essential oils. Thanks for trusting me to photograph you and for being such a willing model. If this looks like something you'd like to try, send me a message on Facebook or through my website. I look forward to creating a beautiful session with you.